Ferocity of dates and milk

Ferocity of dates and milk

Dates contains water, sugars, fats, vitamin 'A', in addition to various metals such as calcium and iron. Although milk contains eighteen element diet, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and vitamin "A", B-6, B-12, D, vitamin C. It also contains many amino acids such as thiamine, folic Albanthonak, riboflavin. The minerals calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

lerégime dates and milk is as follows: 21 Date + 3 cups of milk a day and eat nothing else all day, and can have a coffee or tea without sugar between meals.


 The bunch of dates and milk is a difficult food where it leads to satiety and only a few amount of preferably protéines.alors please do not follow this diet for six weeks, or you will risk losing some of protein body

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