How To Lose Stomach Fat - The Simple Steps

Does stomach fat seem like an unwanted guest to you? Do you want flat abs? People try just about anything to reduce stomach fat. Here are a few tips on how you can lose that unwanted guest and get in shape.
Firstly, in order to lose stomach fat, you need to identify the cause. The major cause of fat is a person's diet. For instance, a person consuming a huge amount of refined processed carbohydrate (concentrated carbohydrate) foods, they stand a high chance of gaining weight. Refined processed foods are items such as ice-cream, sugary drinks, sodas, pasta, pastries, pizza, candy, etc. These foods are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, and many other diet related diseases. So, in order to stop fat from building up around the abdomen, eliminate or limit yourself from having refined processed carbohydrates. These foods can be replaced with fat burning foods such as vegetables, lentils, almonds and walnuts, poultry, salmon, eggs, oats, fruits etc.
Another cause of stomach fat in a person's diet is the daily consumption of calories. In the simplest way, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. It takes approximately 3700-calorie deficit to lose one pound of fat. That is, you have to either burn off 3700 calories through exercise or eat 3700 calories less than you burn in a week. Cut down on the amount of calories you consume. For example, instead of drinking a Coke, have a glass of water; instead of having a muffin replace it with a piece of whole wheat bread and peanut butter. Unless you restrict your calorie intake, you will find it difficult to lose stomach fat. In addition to diet, exercise plays an important role in losing stomach fat. A great was to burn calories is by doing cardiovascular exercises. These exercises aids a lot when it comes to burning stomach fat. Most people do ab exercises to burn stomach fat. Those exercises however do not usually burn fat. Instead it defines stomach muscles. So first, you have to get rid of the fat hiding them. In order to do that, cardio exercises are recommended. Go jogging, biking, brisk walking, jumping rope etc.
A person's diet should include a lot of water on a daily basis to help lose stomach fat. Studies suggest that consistently drinking water throughout the day can lead to a more active metabolism, regardless of dieting. Drinking enough water helps to flush toxins from your body, to remain hydrated, and to enable the fat burning foods to work properly for you. An average person should drink 8-10 8 oz. glasses each day. If you are an athlete or if you live in a dry area, you might need to drink more. You will know when you are drinking enough when your urine is clear.
A combination of restricting refined processed carbohydrates and replacing them with fat burning foods, drinking lots of water and doing cardio exercise to burn calories is a great way to lose stomach fat.
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