There are many ways to achieve the look you want artificially. One such method involves undergoing cosmetic surgery treatments, like liposuction. Before deciding to undergo this type of surgery, however, you should find out more about it.
What is liposuction? Liposuction is a surgical method that may improve the shape of your body by getting rid of excess fat from certain areas. You can find these excess amounts at fat deposits located between your skin and muscle.
Liposuction procedures remove your excess fat by usually targeting areas such as your hips, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and face. Liposuction only removes body fat and not cellulite, which is misshapen fat located in one or different specific areas of your body. With that said, it is not an alternative to natural weight loss techniques, especially if you are suffering from obesity.
How does liposuction work? Liposuction involves the use of pressure to remove the excess fat from your body. A surgeon may use two main devices to get rid of your excess fat: vacuum-like devices or large syringes. These vacuum-like devices and large syringes feature a small stainless steel tube, called a cannula, attached to a powerful suction pump.
During liposuction procedures, surgeons may make small incisions in your skin, through which they may insert the cannula directly into your fat deposits. The cannula then removes your excess fat and creates tiny tunnels through your fatty layers. After the procedure, these tiny tunnels collapse, giving you an improved body shape. Surgeons may accomplish liposuction procedures by using general anaesthesia or local anaesthesia, or heavy intravenous (IV) sedation.
What are the risks of liposuction? Like any surgical procedure, liposuction also has its risks. Some of these risks include:
- An allergic reaction to the medications or materials used during the surgery
- An infection due to the multiple puncture wounds made during the insertion of the cannula
- Damage to the skin also due to the multiple puncture wounds made during the insertion of the cannula
- Occasional tissue damage caused by the cannula, which may manifest as spots on the skin
- Contour irregularities are the bumpy or withered appearance of the skin, caused by uneven fat removal or poor skin elasticity.
What are the alternatives to liposuction? Due to the risks involved in liposuction procedures, many cosmetic surgeons have come up with non-surgical alternatives to liposuction. These non-surgical alternatives have two main types: diet and exercise and cryolipolysis.
Diet and Exercise
Diet and exercise involves healthy eating habits combined with regular exercise. It is a natural process, which takes more time and determination and carries less risk than liposuction.
Cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting involves the use of a medical device that destroys fat cells, through controlled cooling. It reduces fat deposits, reshaping the contours of the body. In Cryolipolysis, the exposure to the low temperature is set, so that it causes cell death of subcutaneous fat tissue without apparent damage to the overlying skin.
There are many more non-surgical alternatives to liposuction other than diet, exercise, and CoolSculpting. You can learn about these alternatives by researching further online.
Lisah Harp researched about non-surgical alternatives to liposuction and came across CoolSculpting and
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