The latest dieting craze has no doubt been the low carb high
protein diets. Those of you on Atkins, South Beach etc will no doubt have
noticed a number of changes since you took up the diet. And no I’m not talking
about the remarkable weight loss I am talking about your bad breath. Now it may
not have been noticeable to you but I suggest you ask your friends or relatives
whether there has been a detioration and you may be surprised by the answer. In
fact you may even find your friends moving away from you when you speak which
is always a sure sign of bad breath.
So what’s the cause of all this bad air? Well depending on
which medical speak you speak with there are a number, yet similar, reasons for
the problem. One of the reasons is directly related to the increase in protein
which most of the low carb diets advocate.
Basically, we all have a large number of useful bacteria
living mainly on our tongue and at the back of our throat. These bacteria are
supposed to be there, because they assist humans in digestion by breaking down
proteins found in specific foods, mucous or phlegm, blood, and in diseased or
“broken-down” oral tissue.
When these “beneficial” bacteria come into contact with
these compounds, the odorous and “lousy-tasting” volatile sulfur compounds
(VSCs’) are released from the back of the tongue and throat, as Hydrogen
Sulphide, Methyl Mercaptan, and other odorous and bad tasting compounds.
Since the bacteria are meant to be in our mouth there is no
way we can remove them permanently. So, no amount of brushing or tongue
scraping will get rid of the VSCs’. The only scientifically proven way of
curing your bad breath (Halitosis) is by attacking the bacteria’s ability to
produce VSCs’ and by converting the VSC into non-odorous and non-tasting
organic salts.
There are a number of ways in which the problem is worsened
and the most common way is with dry mouth. This generally occurs while you are
asleep and hence the reason you sometimes wake up with “morning breath”.
Although some cases of dry mouth are naturally occurring,
most cases are caused by one of these factors:
1. Prescription
Medications (usually prescribed for high blood pressure or depression)
2. Antihistamines
3. Adult
4. Mouthwashes
with alcohol in them
When your mouth is dryer, you have less Saliva. Saliva
naturally contains Oxygen, which keeps your mouth healthy and fresh. These
bacteria are anaerobic, which simply means that they will thrive and make more
sulfur in the presence of little or no oxygen. Thus if you have less Saliva,
you have less oxygen, thereby creating an anaerobic environment, perfect for
the bacteria to produce more of these odorous and sour/bitter compounds.
Because of the increase in higher protein foods, on an
Atkins type diet, especially dairy products, the amount of Volatile Sulfur
Compounds increases dramatically and as such your breath gets worse
accordingly. The only way to fight the problem is to try and supply oxygen to
the bacteria causing the problem and remove as much of the VSCs’ as possible.
This can be done in a number of ways:
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