Eating Well: It's all about Mind-Set
The word diet sends a shiver of misery down most spines. It still makes me cringe a little inside. The thought of tasteless, limp vegetables, over boiled cabbage and rice crackers is not one that is conducive with the up and coming Christmas season.
Many of the people I meet see their diet as a battleground. Sometimes we even go so far as to see food as the enemy. As a result foods is always at the forefront of our minds and something we think about constantly. In a lot of cases, people spend their lives swapping between diet and binge, diet and binge. I know this because I spent many years doing exactly that. One of the big problems with the diet and binge cycle is that it tends to lead to feelings of guilt.
Having a good, healthy relationship with food is about mind set and no food is either good or bad. Simply put, we're adults and we can make the choices that we want to make. We have to live with the consequences of the food we eat, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't enjoy what we eat.
By demonising certain foods, we feel guilty about eating them. In a lot of cases this guilt has been going on for a very long time. Maybe as a youngster you were told not to eat some foods because they were bad for you or conversely maybe you were forced toe at foods you didn't like because they were good for you. As adults this changes. We know the result of eating particular foods; we understand self-control and also our limits. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy food for what it is.
Food is Delicious (or it should be)
Food is one of the greatest gifts we have as humans and should be celebrated and enjoyed. Like any celebration though it can't be constantly feted or it just becomes the norm. Essentially what I am saying is that food should be celebrated occasionally but not every day of our lives - like any celebration there are limits. Birthday cake is so fabulous because we only get it once a year. If it were daily lunchtime fare then I dare say even I would tire of it (eventually).
Any obsession will create internal turmoil and is not conducive to long term health goals. In the case of food, obsessing about eating particular foods each day, standing on the scales after each meal or becoming stuck in a food rut, will only do harm. Explore foods, find nutritious recipes that you enjoy. Focus on your wins and celebrate any good behaviour changes. Always remember that a lot of small changes make for big results.
There will always be set backs, negatives and failures - however, with the right mind set these are only temporary.
Diets are temporary; a healthy lifestyle is permanent and will result in a better, happier and more productive you.
About the Author:
Victoria C S Wills is a world famous expert in Weight Loss and she works with you to ensure your success. If you would like your FREE personal weight loss report from Victoria please come to Simply enter your details and Victoria's personal report will be with you ASAP.
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