Post Lap Band Exercise

The number one rule to any exercise plan after weight loss surgery is the law of common sense. Learn to listen and understand your body. Too much exercise, intensity too high or inappropriate exercises will overstress your body, while too little physical activity or inefficient exercises will jeopardize your weight loss results. In addition to your own sense of the body, it is advised to seek the help of a professional physical therapist or trainer.
Basic Rules of Exercise after Lap Band Procedure
  • Slow start. A temperate approach is the key to success. Be realistic about what you are able to do and the limitations of your body. Place emphasis on daily exercise. Shorter, but regular physical activity sessions will take you farther than sporadic, high-intensity sessions. Be patient with yourself; take your weight loss journey step by step.

  • Cardiovascular exercise. During the first period following surgery, cardiovascular exercise that cause the heart to beat at a higher rate are better than weight lifting exercises.

  • Weight lifting. Once your body is sufficiently energized and accustomed to movement, it will crave for strength-training. Ask the advice of a professional physical therapist about the type of training to follow.

  • Stretching exercises. No strength-training session should end without 10-15 minutes of stretching or balancing exercises. These are meant to keeps your joints and tendons flexible and are a great way to stay safe from falling injuries.

  • Divided sessions. Ideally, you should perform physical exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. If the day is busy and no time slot allows for half an hour of exercise, better than postponing is to divide the session into smaller parts and use the available 5-10 minutes throughout the day to tone an strengthen muscle mass.

  • Hydration. It is recommended for everyone to keep the body well hydrated. It is even truer for weight loss surgery patients. Drink plenty of clear water each day, but never when you eat.
Just like any other process, your weight loss journey will have ups and downs. Do not lose faith and stick to your exercise plan even if you are in a low mood or cats and dogs are raining outside. Get regular advice from your physical therapist and your lap band surgeon, and make sure to follow instructions given. Blue days will pass and your exercise plan will not only turn out to be fun and enjoyable, but it will also take you to a better, healthier life.
Dr. Jonathan Myers is a board certified general surgeon serving as the medical director at Chicago weight loss clinic, DayOne Health. If you'd like to read about the lap band click here.

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