Weight loss has to be a state of mind. If your fitness goals include dropping a couple of pounds in order to get into that pair of pants or dress, then what you're about to read will help you change your way of thinking when it comes to all natural weight loss.
Exercising on a regular basis is not helping you loose the weight that you want to loose, try changing your eating habits. Hitting the gym for those cardio workouts and jumping on the elliptical trainers for hours will definitely help your heart, lungs and muscles, but what good is that when on your way home from the great workout and decide that your to tired to make yourself a proper meal. Stopping by the local fast food restaurant will fill my belly for now, but what about that great workout you just had. All the calories you burned just went out the door.
Have you ever heard of the saying "a well balanced diet consists of meals that are low in fat and high in fiber"? I've heard the surgeon general recommend this through out my existence on earth. Many of have heard this, but few of us listened.
I know that I needed to lose some weight when I couldn't fit into my uniforms that were given to me in boot camp. I thought to myself what the heck happened? I run everyday for thirty minutes, I eat 3 meals a day that I think are good balance meals, and I also consume foods in between meals like chips, cakes, soda, and all other types of stuff.
There it is, all types of other foods. Those foods that are usually high in unwanted fats and super high in sugars are the ones that I needed to eliminate from my diet. You are not going to believe me when I tell you that I eliminated sodas and beer, and over the course of a month I lost 5 pounds. Yea, that's right 5 pounds. I started drinking water with all meals except breakfast, I drank orange juice then. I cut out drinking beer with friends after work and on the weekends. Soda was completely eliminated from my diet. And the foods that are high in fat, well I cut those too.
My workouts were starting to change, I felt as though I was sweating and staying hydrated longer than before. I was beginning to change my overall body fat percentage. My physique was beginning to look like a physically fit athlete.
Get started on a HEALTHIER Slimmer YOU Today!
Real Health, Real Diet, and Real Nutrition Information that you can implement right away. http://www.Fitness-LifeStyle.org
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Don_J_Powell
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