Memphis Family Chiropractic Offers Helpful Weight Loss Tips

Memphis Family Chiropractic Offers Helpful Weight Loss Tips
Your Memphis chiropractor helps many people each day with painful backs and necks. However, modern chiropractic also provides total wellness programs, designed to help you feel and look better. Here are some helpful weight loss tips from your chiropractic professional.

The only way to know how many calories you take in, is to keep track of your eating habits. Try to develop the habit of writing down everything you eat and also estimate calories. You may be in for a shock when you see how much you really consume, and this can help you develop the motivation to do something about it.

If you need a way to reduce your caloric intake, consider simple strategies to help you control portion sizes. With a little practice you can trick your mind into thinking that you are getting more than enough to eat each meal. Eat with a smaller plate and fill it to the max. This gives the illusion that you are getting huge servings.

If you are drinking a lot of sugar laden beverages, this is a good time to quit. These drinks are full of empty calories and they can add up fast. One can of cola can have as much as 150 calories or more. If you drink only two a day, that is 2100 extra calories per week or 6,000 calories per month, and 109,000 extra calories per year, which amounts to 30 pounds of weight gain.

Increase your water intake. Your body needs water to burn every calorie you take in. Also, drink a glass of water before each meal and it will make you feel full quicker. These strategies can pay off big over time.

If you want to lose weight but are tired of all the dieting, visit your chiropractic professional for help. You can receive wellness program counseling and a customized plan for a better and healthier lifestyle. Your Memphis chiropractor uses some of the most modern and time tested methods to help you feel better.

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