There is no magic pill to weight loss, and there is no
single solution. If you exercise like crazy, but have a terrible diet full of
junk food and deep fat fry everything, then despite your exercise you probably
won’t make the weight you want. Likewise, a great diet without exercise can
only get you so far. It takes a combination of factors, and both diet and
exercise, to successfully lose some weight.
One of the most basic steps is to have a healthy diet. There
are fad diets to never eat meat, and other fad diets to always eat meat, but
never eat carbs. For most people the best way to go is to avoid the fad and
gimmick diets and find something reasonable. Making sure to eat all your fruits
and vegetables each day is not only healthy, but it fills up your stomach with
foods that are very light in calories and often have no fat at all. For the
same reason you should eat grains and fiber every day. When it comes to meat,
white is generally better than red. If you can replace beef with chicken and
pork with fish
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