The Best Core Workouts

The Medicine Ball is one of the oldest fitness tools in the history of strength and conditioning. Dates all the way back to Hippocrates' time in Greece. It's used by Athletes and top-notch Sports and Conditioning programs. It works. It's challenging. It's incredibly diverse, It'll lengthen, strengthen and sculpt you from head to toe.
I'm not one to waste time when I think I've found something good... so lets dive in and get started with a quick introductory style workout! Perfect for beginners yet easily modifiable for more advanced individuals and athletes alike.
What you'll need: How Much Should it Weigh?
1) Medicine Ball (beginners try a 3lb-5lb medicine ball)
-Athletes/Advanced try a 5lb-10lb medicine ball
The great thing about this workout is it can really be done anywhere. It's great to know for a day you can't make it to the gym. Med Balls can be taken to the office, the garage, and even your bedroom. It's a very useful piece of equipment.
The other thing these circuit style medicine ball workouts do is increase both your cardiovascular and muscular endurance.
The Workout
Do 1 Set (certain number of repetitions) of 20 repetitions in each exercise. Move in order straight down the list beginning with 1. Try 1-5 rounds depending on endurance.
1) Circles: Standing up nice and tall, with chest up and shoulders back, feet just outside the your frame. Arms stiff, hands by below your waist holding the med ball Begin to make a big circle moving clockwise for 10, then counter-clockwise for another 10. That's one set.
2) Med Ball Chops
Same place as before except bring your feet out about 5 inches wider than your shoulders. Think of chopping wood. Bring the ball over your left shoulder, slightly and naturally allowing your elbows to bend.Bring the ball down diagonally across your chest and over your right leg, slightly bending. In one swift motion now bring the ball back over the left shoulder and repeat 20x. Then begin on the right shoulder.
3) Med Ball Swing Squat
Feet Remaining in the same position, lower into a squat keeping arms stiff with hands and ball below waist. Bring the ball to or as close as you can to the floor. As you come back up from the squat, simultaneously swing the ball up to the level of your shoulders, let go of the ball so that it goes straight up lightly in front of you about 5-12 inches. Your arms and legs should be straight at the same time. All in one smooth motion, catch the ball lower your arms and self back down, into the squat. Tap the floor with ball and start repetition #2.
Repeat 2-5 times or incorporate into a free weight session for added variety and volume to your workout routine.
Check back in for level 2 of the Med Ball Core Strengthening Series.
Another great way to utilize this workout is do on a day you would mormally do your abs or shoulders because it really does hit a lot of muscles from front to back and head to toe. It's lengthens out your rectus abdominus ("6pack") and it tightens up those back and oblique muscles to help whittle down your waistline. It also works the lower back to stabilize the spine, and it works your glutes and quads for an overall leg workout as well. It's a secret weapon that you now have in your arsenal. Use it wisely and reap the rewards.

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